Delivery Time is dependent on 2 factors:

  1. “Availability”. Every product detail’s page will show a value similar to “Usually Ships in 2-3 days”.For example, some items will ship within 24 hours, others in a couple days, while some may take as many as several weeks (especially custom products). The “Availability” value is an estimate. We do our best to ship items out as quickly as possible, so we often get orders out more quickly than is noted by the “Availability” timeframe, but please do not count on that.
  2. The method of delivery – our Flat fee method is either FedEx Ground or USPS Ground. FedEx Express Saver takes 3 business days.

    Additionally, please note that delivery time is also based on “business” days. For example, if you place an order on Sunday, it’s impossible for us to ship an item the same day as all the shippers are closed.